Homeschool Styles (nope, not your clothes)

There are so many wonderful styles of homeschooling to choose from!  If you are just starting out, it can be overwhelming figuring out which style you want to go with.  Guess what? They all have amazing benefits in one way or another and they all have their drawbacks. Let me help you pick: be an eclectic homeschooler!  Take all the parts you love about each style and use them!  

Education Models:

I adore the Charlotte Mason method, Unschooling, and Unit Studies.  I also find benefit in a small amount of routine schoolwork (math). I’m not completely an unschooler, but we aren’t traditional.  We love unit studies, so we aren’t Classical schoolers.  We use curriculum from time to time, but we also go through seasons of just exploring nature.

We do what works for us in that season or in that week.

I know, that makes it sound like we are not in control of our schooling, but it is just the opposite.  We are in complete control of the way our days look.  We have our Default Days, where our more traditional school side shows through.  We work on the typical reading, writing, and arithmetic skills.  We have unschooling days where I follow the lead of the kids and dive into something they wanted to learn.  We have Charlotte Mason days where we take hikes through nature and keep a watercolor journal. I’m very interested in the classical way of teaching history. 

If you are dead-set on being a Charlotte Mason home schooler (because her methods and ideas are amazing!), but in practice you are frazzled and your child is not enjoying life at all, is it working for your family?  Is that what you want?  Probably not.  Find the part that is working, put it in your pocket and move on.  If Unschooling scares you, read about it!  It is not a complete neglect of your child’s education; it’s letting them take the lead.  Unschooling is learning about what your child is interested in. Does he like Dinos? Get all the books, make fossils, draw them, learn to spell words related to them.  Does your daughter love princesses?  Learn about castle types, how to draw them, famous princesses in history, read about them.  Sorry, princesses was the first thing that came to mind…I’m a #boymom.  Maybe Jewelry making is an interest?  That could lead to all kinds of learning about metals and gemstones.  Or sewing…The history in quilting can be fascinating and there is definitely math in quilting!

The point is, your family is not a cookie-cutter family.  Do you know how I know? Because you homeschool.  Don’t try to use a cookie cutter in the shape of traditional school or any other method.  Make your own shape by taking all the parts you like from the methods you read about and apply them in a way that suits your unique homeschool. You get to shape your life, what do you want it to look like? 

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