Hello! My name is Lauren and I’m a homeschooling mother of two! Homeschooling was never something I planned to do or even considered as an option; but as we neared that kindergarten age it just felt like the right decision for our family. It has been an amazing journey so far! I’m a very creative person and love to find fun ways to teach and creative ways to keep the kids entertained screen-free while I hide somewhere eating chocolate. We don’t strictly adhere to any specific education style; we are an unschooling, natureschooling, gameschooling, Charlotte Mason – loving, classical-appreciating mess of a homeschool….but it works for us. As you can see, I’ve been inspired by many education theories, as well as many, many homeschooling parents that I’ve met along the way. With Homeschool Inspirations, I hope to inspire and encourage families to homeschool happily.