Using LEGO Mario for Spelling
Learn how to incporate LEGO Mario into your Spelling Lesson (or even math!)

Homeschool with Minecraft
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em…right? That’s the attitude I take with Minecraft now. I resisted this game at first. But really, I didn’t understand it. Minecraft is known as a “sandbox” game, meaning it is truly open to be played with creatively however the user sees fit. In other words, it is like legos.
Georgia has a rich history to explore. Subjects like the Trail of Tears and many civil rights marches and moments can be taught through learning about Georgia. It is also has a diverse landscape with interesting places from the coast, to Okefenokee swamp, Atlanta, and many amazing places to visit. P is for Peach by

Our Favorite Reading Curriculum
Things in my homeschool change every year. Ok, every semester. ALRIGHT…some things seem to change by the week. However… One curriculum that has stayed with us from the beginning is All About Reading. I started out homeschooling trying to replicate school at home (hey, shhh, we all do it!). After trial and error (and

Building Shelters in Nature
Sometimes kids need a reason or purpose for being outside, and building a shelter is always a favorite!

Use Uno for Spanish Practice!
For a gentle way to intro a new language, or a fun way to practice: Use the game UNO!
While all states have fun and interesting facts and uniqueness, Florida has an abundance of study topics! You could include Manatees, The Everglades, Alligators, birds, Space coast/Kennedy Space Center, Hurricanes, Sea Turtles, Cuba and the trips that have been made on rafts to Florida, Mangrove Trees, and of course: Disney. There are so many books
What’s Great about Delaware by Shery Dilliard Delaware by Mari Kesselring (Just In Time) The Rescue Begins in Delaware by Cheri Pray Earl A Light in the Storm by Karen Hesse Red Knot by Nancy Carol Willis Horseshoe Crabs and Shorebirds by Victoria Crensen F is for First State by Carol Crane