Celebrate your Homeschool

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When all the kids are going back to school and your social media is full of those pictures of kids in perfect outfits, backpacks bigger than they are,  smiling as they get onto the bus:  it is very easy to begin questioning your choice to homeschool. 

Finding a way to celebrate your homeschool can help in this time.   

All of the Back-to-School hubabaloo really seeps into any crack you may have in your homeschooling confidence. Undeniably, back-to-school pictures, sales, balloons, and signs in the store remind us of two truths: 

1. The parks will be ours again soon. 

2. Our kids wont have that “normal” experience or right-of-passage that all the kids have when they get on that big yellow bus for the first time.

Consistent with truth #2,  I was hit hard with all the emotions …the night before my oldest would have gone to school.   Am I robbing him of experiences? Should I at least give school a try?  CAN I DO THIS???????  So, I decided to pull together a couple friends who also had would-be kindergarteners and throw a Not-Back-to-School party!  Obviously, the party was to support me in my emotional state. 

I headed to the grocery store at 8pm and started texting my friends and grabbed little pizza doughs, toppings, popsicles, and back-to-school balloons (that I sharpied in “NOT,” of course).  When the check-out clerk asked if my kids were going to school tomorrow morning…I should’ve just said “yes.” Instead (TwiTcH tWitCh), I explained my whole “not-back-to-school” party idea and probably scared her a bit with the emotional-about-school and manic-about-a-party state I was in. 

Best Idea Ever!

The celebration was a HIT!  A dear friend pointed out that all of their little pizzas were different, just like them and their education needs.  My kids LOVED celebrating in this way and we have done this every year since; making it extra special when it’s someone’s kindergarten year.  Since we are almost always schooling in some way, it’s nice to mark the year by putting all the books down and jumping into the pool while everyone else is hauled off to school.

Any small way to celebrate your homeschool or to recognize the privilege of being homeschooled works for this.  Maybe visiting the places you love to visit but skip during the busy, hot summer like parks and museums would work for your family. If you have a sporty family, perhaps invite friends to a game of kick-ball or baseball at the park.  It doesn’t have to be big!  As with most things in homeschooling, you have the flexibility to do what works for you!  

Homeschooling is worth celebrating! I can’t wait to hear what your family does to mark the start of your year and celebrate your homeschool! 


Not Back To School Sign!

Class Of 2035 (2022 Kindergarteners)

Class Of (Blank Year)


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