Mario Lego Activity for homeschoolers

LEGO Mario…..Coding+Art?

One night, when it was like 30 minutes past bedtime, the kids were giggling away in the school room.  Apparently, they had the idea to draw a level to play with using LEGO Mario. Yeah.  Mind Blown.

Let me explain.

LEGO Mario uses sensors to see colors and then make sounds or “gets hurt” based on the color he senses. Red is harmful, Blue is water, Yellow is the dessert, and so on. 

Using Mario’s rules for these colors, they used markers to draw out enemies and platforms, safe places and coins.  Then they played imaginatively with Mario getting him through the artwork.  It was an amazing display of coding meets art (and bonus – it is all played screen free).  

I will be buying a large roll of paper and covering the table so they can create an entire world.  It sounds like an amazing morning challenge for them that will buy me a few extra minutes of sleep :). Maybe they will even build with their LEGO on the paper; I can’t wait to see what they come up with!

Materials Needed:

White Paper


LEGO Mario

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