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I have an UNO-maniac in my house – he ALWAYS wants to play UNO! I love the game, but after a while the homeschooling part of me wonders if I can make the game more educational (not that it doesn’t have educational value on its own). So, I simply started speaking Spanish when we played.
Now, let me tell you how much Spanish I know: Un Poco. A little. A tiny smidge. I probably couldn’t successfully ask where to find a bathroom. I do know numbers and colors and after ‘un poco’ research, I learned a few related phrases like “your turn,” which I say eleventy-million times when we play.
Here are the words we are working on (available in a Cheat Sheet):
Red – Rojo (Ro-ho)
Blue – Azul (Az-ool)
Yellow – Amarillo (a-mar-iy-o)
Green – Verde (ver-deh or Behr-deh)
1. Uno
2. Dos
3. Tres
4. Quatro
5. Cinco
6. Seis
7. Siete
8. Ocho
9. Nueve
Wild Card – Comodin de Color
Wild Draw 4 – Comodin Roba quatro
Skip card – Carta Salta
Reverse card – Carta reversa
Draw 2 card – Carta Roba dos
Your Turn – Tu Turno
Do you want to play Uno? – quieres jugar uno
Download a free printable Cheat Sheet: UNO Spanish!