Mario Lego and All About Spelling

Using LEGO Mario for Spelling

Sometimes, it is time for spelling (or math or reading or anything) and *someone* is paying more attention to toys than to me and school.  Today was one of those sometimes. Ok, most days are…sigh.

But, inspiration strikes at the weirdest times.  I watched as my son played with his Lego Mario on the table; the game timer starts when he inserts Mario into the tunnel, game music plays, “running out of time” music plays after 20 seconds, then he places Mario on the end scanner and “wins” his level.  (Please ignore the crumbs on my table. This is real life, real inspiration hitting at real times. Its a mess up in here)

OK. I can work with this.

I challenged my son to start Mario’s level (timer) and get one word written in that 30 seconds, then place Mario on the end goal before time was up.

He LOVED it. He even did two extra words because he wasn’t able to win every time.

I can see this being a great way to challenge kids with Math drills, too.  Instead of simply using a timer…you are playing a game.

We didn’t even need a course build to have fun, just the beginning tunnel to start and the end goal.  The “level” was getting the words written in time.

I hope this inspires you to pick up that Mario that the kids just can’t get enough of and let him help teach for the day!

Get Mario here (or Target, or Amazon…but I love the VIP program at LEGO):

Mario Lego Set

The following link for All About Spelling is an affiliate link.  We have used their products for years and love them, but want to be transparent that I do receive a small commission if you use my link.
All About Spelling

Be sure to let me know what Mario helped you with in YOUR school day!  I can’t wait until Luigi is released; I’ll put him to work, too!

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